Themes, schedule and exam
Lecture slides
- L1: Organization of cortical networks, principles of connectivity and local network operations (Attila Gulyás)
- L2: Network oscillations, rhythms in the nervous system (Attila Gulyás)
- L3: Sensory systems I: olfaction and gustation (Norbert Hájos)
- L4: Neuronal basis of motor functions (László Acsády)
- L5: Sensory systems II: Vision (Balázs Hangya)
- L6: The role of cortical networks in cognitive functions (Balázs Hangya)
- L7: The role of subcortical structures in cognitive functions (Balázs Hangya)
- L8: Role of thalamocortical circuits in higher order brain functions (László Acsády)
- L9: Thalamocortical interactions during sleep (László Acsády)
- L10: Navigation: how does the brain code the space? (Albert M Barth)
- L11: Neuronal basis of emotional states (Norbert Hájos)
- L12: Episodic memories: how is the film of our life produced?