Teaching activity (in English)
- Practicum in Anatomy and Physiology for 1st-year students of psychology in English
Research interest
- Nervous system effects of food chain contaminants (insecticides, mycotoxins)
Selected publications
Varró P, J. Győri, I. Világi (2009) In vitro effects of fipronil on neuronal excitability in mammalian and molluscan nervous systems. Annals of agricultural and Environmental Medicine. 16:71-77.
Györi J., P. Varró, E Zielinska, I. Banczerowski-Pelyhe, I. Világi (2007) Bensultap inhibits the efficacy of synaptic transmission both in molluscan and mammalian central nervous system. Toxicol in Vitro, 21(6): 1050–1057.
Varró P., Szemerszky R., Bárdos Gy., Világi I. (2009) Changes in synaptic efficacy and seizure susceptibility in rat brain slices following extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure. Bioelectromagnetics. 30(8):631 – 640.
Visnovitz T, Világi I, Varró, P., Kristóf Z. (2007) Mechanoreceptor cells on the tertiary pulvini of Mimosa pudica. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2(6): 462-466.